News & Projekte

Reference project: Compact units for Reifenhäuser
Two locations have put our compact units on wheels into use. The compact units make it possible to hold parts needed for assembly on several levels. This saves a lot of space in the area. At the same time employees no longer have to bend down to the floor.

Customized products
Every company is unique and has its own special requirements. That is why we offer you the opportunity to customize our products to your individual needs.

Trusted Shops Excellent Shop
We were recently recognized as an Excellent Shop by Trusted Shops.This certification confirms our continuous commitment to the highest quality and service standards in online retail for over 10 years.

Product samples
Ordering a sample will help you to make an informed purchasing decision. Get to know our products and find the right one for you.

Sustainability at KROG
Sustainability is a central component of our corporate philosophy and we are doing everything we can to continuously reduce our ecological footprint.

Eco-friendly products made from bio-PVC
Discover our new labelling products made from organic PVC-film!

Certification according to ISO 9001
We are very pleased that our company KROG has recently been successfully certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by TÜV NORD.

Reference project: Compact pull out racks for J+P
Our compact pull-out racks increase the utilization of storage spaces by approx. 40%.

Reference project: Beam mounted pull out units for SAMSON
Were created a total of 284 storage spaces and 160 pieces pull out units mounted. Due to a multi-floor production and administration building were used special load distribution plates for the pallet racks.